
Almond Valley Nature Action (AVNA) is an umbrella group covering small, nature based projects throughout the River Almond valley. Formed by the three West Lothian based “pioneers” in our cohort of the Scottish Wildlife Trust Nextdoor Nature Pioneers programme, we currently each have a project in our own neighbourhoods. We hope to engage our communities to improve native biodiversity, and to work with existing projects and organisations. 

Now we are established, we hope to grow our membership by getting together with like-minded people who also want to take action for nature. This could be through increasing biodiversity, improving habitats, promoting connection with nature, or wildlife recording. Any individual over the age of 18 living in the Almond Valley area can become an AVNA member. Under the AVNA framework, members can run their own projects and apply for their own grants while avoiding the time consuming process and admin burden of starting a new group from scratch. Or they could simply volunteer to help other AVNA members with their projects. Members can cooperate with each other, share tools and resources and – crucially – provide support, knowledge and enthusiasm!

Join us now to help nature flourish! Come along to our events or follow us on social media. Or if you’d like to join AVNA, or have any questions, please click here for the contact form

Our Aims:

  • To improve biodiversity in the local area
  • To take action for nature that will improve wildlife habitat
  • To encourage local communities to take action for nature on their doorstep (private gardens, shared green spaces, local parks etc)
  • To provide opportunities for community members to learn about how to protect nature and to participate in actions for nature
  • To promote nature friendly gardening practices, encouraging native plant species

Volunteering and Citizen Science:

Details of any projects or current opportunities can be found here

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