
Almond Valley Nature Action

Helping Nature Flourish

Taking action for nature and working to improve biodiversity in our local area

What We Do


A group for anyone with an interest in nature and wildlife in Livingston Village Park and nearby area

Nature friendly choices in our gardens and greenspaces could make Craigshill a safer place for Nature

A community woodland

Helping our friends at Easter Breich manage part of the woodland to promote biodiversity

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Our Aims:

  • To improve biodiversity in the local area
  • To take action for nature that will improve wildlife habitat
  • To encourage local communities to take action for nature on their doorstep (private gardens, shared green spaces, local parks etc)
  • To provide opportunities for community members to learn about how to protect nature and to participate in actions for nature
  • To promote nature friendly gardening practices, encouraging native plant species

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AVNA is grateful for support received from these organisations: